The ocean and its raw immense power can make you feel small and weak, or even frighten you. But it's also incredibly gorgeous and Australian photographer Lloyd Meudell is devoted to capturing this beauty.
"I've always been interested in photography and I've also surfed my whole life," Lloyd said. "After seeing some of Clark Little's shore break images a few years back I decided to give ocean photography a go purely because it looked like so much fun!"
Most of his photographs are taken around the area where he lives on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia. "We have a diverse range of different waves here, breaking over rock shelfs or beautiful beaches, all within a 10 minute drive from home," Lloyd told Bored Panda.
For him, the hardest part is waiting for the right conditions: "Waiting for the elements to align e.g. tides, swell, winds, light can be frustrating at times." However, everything pays off and Lloyd couldn't be happier when he's laying in the water with amazing light and pumping waves.
More info: lloydmeudell.com.au | Instagram

By Rokas L | Bored Panda