Individuals fall in love each and every day; however, when a couple goes entirely gaga over one another, what is happening in their brains? Over the last few decades, several scientists have looked at the rules of attraction — what is it about your chemical makeup that sparks up chemistry with the other individual? Brian Grossman, a psychologist in Los Angeles, said that it is never only one thing, like pheromones or facial symmetry. However, there are some specific, concrete characteristics that lend themselves to long-term relationships and attraction. This list contains 10 weird reasons why people fall in love.
A person’s voice signals their interest. Voices of ladies go down when they are attracted to someone, and voices of men go up.
Walking Pace
A same walking pace is also one of the reasons for love. When a guy finds a romantic pursuit, he likes matching pace with the lady by reducing walking pace.
In an European study about attractiveness and facial age, scientists wanted to determine whether Botox really does help ladies find mates. The ladies who underwent facial procedures experienced a notable reduction in perceived age, and individuals rated them as much more healthy and attractive. The more treatments the ladies got, the more they were considered attractive, healthy and youthful.
A University of Southern California study of ladies who were ovulating indicated that some women prefer the smell of T-shirts worn by males with high testosterone levels.
French researchers discovered that musical practice is linked with sexual selection. In an experiment, a man holding either a sports bag or guitar case asked 300 young ladies for their numbers. When the guy held the guitar case, more ladies were ready to give him their number.
Facial Hair
In an experiment, scientists discovered that ladies consider faces with heavy stubble more attractive than clean shaven, light stubble or heavy bearded faces. In addition, scientists discovered that the more facial hair a male had, the more masculine a female perceived him to be.
The types of relationships people form may be influenced by their genetic makeup. A study in Italy found that individuals with specific relationship styles were likely to carry certain biological markers in the brains.
Postal Code
A study reported in Psychological Science discovered that males who reside in cultures where money and food are limited tend to find heavier ladies more attractive than slimmer ladies. These guys may see the additional pounds as a symbol of status – a buxom figure indicates having the means to buy a large amount of food.
Symmetrical Face
Females tend to prefer men’s faces that are symmetrical, according to an Australian study.
Researchers from the University of Texas discovered that ladies with a low waist-to-hip ratio are more attractive to males than ladies with wider waists. They think that a great waist-to-hip ratio may signal to a male that a lady has good reproductive ability and health.

Walking Pace




Facial Hair


Postal Code

Symmetrical Face
