Russel Westbrook

This list would not be complete with Russel Westbrook on it. It is only fitting that he gets the first entry for having the craziest sense of fashion. Every game, Westbrook’s arrival is anticipated just so we can see what ensemble he has put together. Sometimes he picks an outfit that works, other times it makes our eyes hurt. Russel Westbrook’s style is contagious and is spreading throughout the NBA.
James Harden
James Harden

Obviously, James Harden’s fashion sense is influenced by former Oklahoma City Thunder teammate Russel Westbrook. Some times Harden’s wardrobe selection isn’t bad and he gets away with his style choice. Other times its a wreck. During a post game interview Harden sported a denim button-up shirt under a blue and green plaid vest. I’m not sure what he was thinking, but it wasn’t a very good look to say the least.
Amare Stoudamire
Amare Stoudamire

I don’t know what it is with NBA players and vest but it has to stop. Amare Stoudemire is a fashion criminal for wearing a denim vest, a too small fedora, and topped it off with a sling for his injured arm. Maybe if he wore the first two items individually he could have saved himself but wearing them together is not cool. There is a general rule involving denim vests. Basically, don’t wear them. He looks like he’s caught between being a biker and a Miami bookie.
Ray Allen
Ray Allen

Ray Allen is one of the seasoned veterans of the NBA and for that we appreciate his attempt at being fashionable. Ray went for the classic suit and tie look but couldn’t quite get it. The color of his suit was a bland green and it looked like it didn’t fit him the way it should. Under the suit jacket he wore a blue pin strip shirt. His tie is another story in it self. Somebody help him please.
Nick Young
Nick Young

When you are on TV your wardrobe should not be so distracting that the viewers can’t focus on anything else. Nick Young must not have gotten the memo. During one of his post game interviews Young sat in front of the mic wearing a Versace shirt. The shirt was blue, white, and gold with a burgundy trim. The colors weaved and swirled around each other almost hypnotizing everyone that looked at “Swaggy P”.
LeBron James
LeBron James

I’m not sure what possessed Lebron James to wear this shirt but I hope he exercised it along with the shirt. During a post game interview with former teammate Dwayne Wade, Lebron wore a denim tuxedo shirt. Yes, the kind with the ruffles in the front. What makes matters worst is that he wore these thick framed glasses as well. King James looked like a nerd on his way to prom in the 80s.
Kevin Durant
Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant is not always a fashion criminal. His style choices are hit and miss. This particular look is a hit. He put together a navy blue vest and a patterned button down. The whole outfit popped with the solid red tie that laid over it all. This is a good look for him considering the color combinations that he has been seen in before. Well done, Mr. Durant.
Tim Duncan
Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan is arguably one of the worst dressers in the league. I don’t even think he cares what he puts on. Tim Duncan can be seen in the same attire without fail. A pair of baggy pants and a roomy button-down shirt. It’s crazy how someone can have that much money and still choose not to look presentable. I guess when you’re that tall finding stylish clothes is too much of a hassle.
Tony Romo
Tony Romo

Tony Romo dresses exactly how he plays, horribly. Romo dresses like a bad amateur golfer that hangs around country clubs getting drunk. I can only guess that his closet is full of Kangol hats, golf shoes and Starter gear. I wonder how a dude that dresses like this is able to land all of John Mayer’s ex-girlfriends. It must be the money, there is no other explanation.
Colin Kaepernik
Colin Kaepernik stepped out looking like the star spangled banner at this past ESPY’s awards show. He wore blue pants, a white shirt, and a red blazer (the ones that valets wear), which matched his car. He didn’t even wear dress show. On his feet wore a pair of high-top sneakers with the pants tucked in.
Mike Vick
This is by far one of the worst fashion offenses ever. Hate that it had to Michael Vick. Mike Vick answered questions from the media from behind a podium. From the chest up things looked good. He had a whit oxford shirt under a tailored blazer. But behind the podium cameras revealed the basketball shorts and flips that did not match the top half.
Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler obviously doesn’t care but that’s not gonna stop us from talking about him. They you dress the way you feel and with the way Jay’s football season is going this picture explains it all. Granted, he’s only walking the dog, but a little effort would be nice. When you consider the torment that he endures, Jay’s reasons for dressing the way he does makes sense. He’ll get sacked 40 times this season and go home to the hottest girl from Laguna Beach, so what’s the point of trying?
Tom Brady
Tom Brady is probably the most prissy quarterback in the history of the NFL. During a post game interview Brady appeared before the press with a turtle neck under a plaid blazer. He looked like a privileged Austrian teenager touring the states. To make things worst Brady cosigns the wearing of Uggs. The ugly brown boots your girlfriend always wear.
El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf starts at the top and works his awful fashion sense down from there. He dyes his hair various bright colors, which he is now known for. He’s the soccer world’s Denis Rodman. I guess every sport needs one. He certainly stands out from the crowd, but it’s for all the wrong reasons.
Frank Ribery
This flattering photograph of Franck Ribery was taken on a night out. I know your asking why does he have a man -purse?. To be honest I don’t know, but that’s no the only thing that’s wrong with this ensemble. Pink polo shirts with the the collar popped is a retro move. Unless he was coming from an 80s themed party I wouldn’t recommend him or any one else to do this.
All Swimmers
All swimmers are included in the craziest dressed athletes….well because look at this photo! They wear ridiculous outfits with no structural integrity!
Colin Kaepernik

Mike Vick

Jay Cutler

Tom Brady

El Hadji Diouf

Frank Ribery

All Swimmers