
15 Of The Craziest, Most Hilarious Revenge Tales Ever

 going to be trying times in a person’s life. There will be dilemmas that will rock you to your core, and the most telling sign of your character is how you respond when somebody else wrongs you. Ideally, the world would prefer that you accept that the person committed a bad deed, take it on the chin, and move past the incident. But c’mon, we all know a better method: revenge.

Seriously, if somebody does something wrong to you, don’t back down. Give ’em all that you got. You think revenge is that bad? Well, think about it. What would Muhammad Ali himself do? Let him tell you himself: “If you lose a big fight, it will worry you all of your life. It will plague you – until you get your revenge.” Get your revenge…

Okay, maybe that’s not the best idea. But, if you need some inspiration for your next vengeance, just take a look at the 15 craziest revenge stories we’ve ever seen:

1. Canadian mayor finally gives his ex-wife the big “rock” she’s always wanted
Gentlemen, we’ve all been there before. You have a girlfriend, or in this case a crazy wife, who won’t shut up about having you buy her the biggest ring she wants. No, your love and affection aren’t good enough for her, she just wants a big, shiny rock that she can show off. Well, one ex-husband did just that to his ex-wife who wouldn’t stop harassing him. Dany Larivière, the mayor of Saint-Théodore-d’Acton, east of Montreal, dumped a 20 ton boulder on the front lawn of his ex-wife’s house with the words “Happy Birthday Isa, XX” spray painted across it.

Larivière said he spent a substantial amount of money during the divorce in order to share custody of their children and added Prévost has been harassing him. He joked that his ex-wife, Isabelle Prévost, had always wanted a big rock, quipping that, “It’s a gift. It’s hers now,” Larivière said. “I did it in the middle of the night. It was a surprise.”

Ladies, be careful what you wish for next time. Or maybe just clarify what you mean when you ask for a big rock.

2. A man finds 101 ways to use his ex-wife’s wedding dress that she left behind
Imagine you’ve just been dumped by your wife of 12 years, and as you watch her pack everything she’s ever owned and depart on her new life alone, you can’t help but notice she left one thing behind: her wedding dress. After asking his ex-wife to take back the dress and her refusal to keep it, the ex-husband now had a sparkling wedding dress on his hands. Now, most guys would probably just throw it away, but this guy decided that was not an option. So what did he do?

He, along with the help of his family and friends, created a list of over 101 different ways in which his ex-wife’s wedding dress could still be used, ranging from dental floss, to picnic blanket, and even as a makeshift Slip’N’Slide. The success of his blog and the pictures were so good that he was able to turn the entire list into a book. So, while his now ex-wife may be way in the past, at least she left him with something that could be of use to him.

3. A man buys the local police department’s web domain and uses it to shame them for speed trap cameras
You know what’s worse than being pulled over and given a traffic ticket? Getting caught by a speed trap camera and getting a ticket sent to you retroactively through the mail. Yeah, a police officer doesn’t even have to waste his/her time with you. A camera is all it takes for you to be considered a criminal. Well, one guy decided that he had had enough of that, and decided to take matters into his own hand.

After receiving a $90 speeding ticket earlier this year for cruising through what he called a speed trap, McCrary went to the Bluff City Police Department’s website to reschedule his hearing. When he saw that the site’s content had been replaced with a notice saying that the domain name was on the verge of expiring, he saw an opportunity. He waited a few weeks until the name had officially lapsed, and then he pounced. “I really thought for sure that the city would renew it,” said McCrary, who lives in Gray, Tennessee. “I was surprised to find that it was still out there.” He’s used the site to post stories about speed cameras in an effort to get them taken down. He also features comments from other camera critics supportive of his new cause. The same site that hosted the police department’s official website is now used against them to warn others about the dangers of speed cameras. Win.

4. George Lucas sells his property in an affluent California neighborhood in order to build low-income housing and anger his wealthy neighbors
Everybody knows George Lucas: the famous iconic director of the Star Wars films. Well, after the first film was released, Lucas decided he wanted to take his production company away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood and move it to Marin, CA – one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. Being that the area is filled with wealthy people, most of the community enjoyed the privacy and exclusivity of the area, which Lucas happily obliged to as he built his production company away from the public eye of the community.

However, after spending millions of dollars to build his largest expansion, he saw backlash from the community in Marin, citing that it would create too many jobs and bring residents who may not have the same amount of income as the other residents, therefore decreasing the reputation and exclusivity of Marin. An emotional statement posted online said Lucasfilm would build instead in a place “that sees us as a creative asset, not as an evil empire.” But not before doing one thing: selling the land to a developer to build low-income housing. Obviously this angered the residents of Marin, who cried for fear of “gangs, drug dealers, and lowlife scum” being brought to their affluent community. It’s obvious that George Lucas has some good in him, but can also dip his toes into the Dark Side if need be…

5. A man fills his wife’s hot-tub with manure after getting served divorce papers
Getting a divorce is never easy. Getting blindsided with divorce papers from your wife is something else completely. Well, unfortunately, that’s what happened to one man by the name of Rene Daniel. This poor, unsuspecting husband was slapped with divorce papers from his wife, and did something I think we all might do. He dumped manure into his wife’s hot-tub. Okay, maybe we all wouldn’t do that, but it sounds like some pretty good revenge.

Police said officers caught Daniel dumping manure, which was piled in the tub and at the house’s front door. He then had to be taken down with pepper spray after he took off in a tractor and then resisted arrest when officers caught up with him. Next time, just tell him you want a divorce rather than blindsiding him with divorce papers. Maybe then will you probably escape the possibility of getting manure in your hot-tub.

6. An abused wife gets physical and exacts revenge by cutting off her husband’s penis
We’ve been talking a lot about guys getting revenge on their ex-lovers, but of course, ladies deserve to get their revenge too. If you’ve ever heard of the name Lorena Bobbitt, you know that they can dish it out pretty harsh. If you haven’t heard of the name Lorena Bobbitt, we’re certain you won’t forget the name after hearing the revenge she dished out. You see, her ex-husband John Wayne Bobbitt was apparently a world class jerk who sexually abused her, flaunted his infidelities, and “forced” her to have an abortion, and in her own words, ““He always have orgasm, and he doesn’t wait for me to have orgasm, he’s selfish.” So, yeah, he’s pretty much a dick (well, not so much anymore, as you’ll soon find out)

So, how exactly did Lorena get her revenge on John? Well, she waited until he was sound asleep and then proceeded to go grab a kitchen knife and cut off the dude’s PENIS. His PENIS. While John Wayne Bobbitt lay bleeding on his bed, wife Lorena roared off with the dismembered member and hurled it into a field for the buzzards to find. Eventually, it was found and John got his penis reattached after a nine-hour operation, but it’ll obviously never work the same. Even though John later starred in a porno called ““John Wayne Bobbitt Uncut” . John said he was determined to “basically show everybody that I’m healed and fully functional.” Don’t get too cocky just yet, Johnny boy. You never know when Lorena can show up.

7. A man loses his luggage on United Airlines, and makes a viral song shaming them for it
It should come as no surprise to many that some airlines just flat-out suck. Baggage handlers have a reputation of not handling your baggage well, and stuff gets broken more often than they should. Usually, our efforts at getting revenge on these airlines never goes out smoothly. Well, unless of course you’re a Canadian musician by the name of Dave Carroll. Carroll was on a United Airlines flight from Canada to Omaha and discovered at baggage claim that his $3,500 Taylor guitar was severely damaged. After being given the cold shoulder by three United Airlines employees, his claim was rejected by the airline itself who reasoned that his claim was not applied within the required 24-hour window.

After being denied over and over again by United Airlines, Carroll created a song by the name of “United Breaks Guitars” and it immediately went viral, becoming the best-selling track on iTunes of that week. The song became a public humiliation for United Airlines and saw the airline’s stock drop 10%, costing stockholders about $180 million in value. Eventually, United caved in and offered to help Dave Carroll, but of course, the damage was already done: this time to United Airlines’ reputation.

8. An ex-wife pays for her divorce fees to her ex-husband with pennies
What did one ex-wife do when a judge ordered her to pay her former husband $50.12 as part of the couple’s divorce settlement? She paid up in pennies — and left a cutting goodbye letter to add insult to injury. She also included rice and beans, which might be a cut to her ex-husband’s heritage, otherwise we have no clue.

“Andy, Here’s forty seven dollars and twelve cents in pennies,” the letter begins, “The other three dollars paid for the containers that I used. Receipt is included if you want to return them… I hope you have a fab life! B/C I know mine’s 20X better without you in it! Thank you!”

9. The inspiration behind the Walking Tall film
If you’ve never seen the Walking Tall films, we highly suggest that you do. It’s pretty kick-ass and unbelievable. Except for the fact that it really did happen. It’s all based on the real-life exploits of Buford Pusser, the Sheriff of McNairy County in Tennessee. There were many assassination attempts inflicted on Pusser, but one attempt was vastly different. After receiving a call for a disturbance, Pusser and his wife rode up to the scene only to be ambushed by a car that opened fire, killing his wife.

Distraught, Pusser vowed to bring all involved with his wife’s death to justice, and identified all of those involved with the murder. Riding into town like a hero on a black stallion, Buford Pusser was able to lock away each one of the assassins, except for one: Charles Russell Hamilton. Pusser shot and killed an intoxicated Charles Russell Hamilton on December 25, 1968, after responding to a complaint that Hamilton had threatened his landlord with a gun. There were no witnesses. Badass.

10. Politician Charlie Wilson’s revenge against his neighbor for killing his dog
Charlie Wilson was one of our country’s greatest politicians, but many people don’t exactly know how or why his career in politics came to be. Well, it starts with the story of a lovable boy and his dog. According to Wilson himself, he first entered politics as a teenager by running a campaign against his next-door neighbor, city council incumbent Charles Hazard. When thirteen years old, Wilson’s fourteen year old dog entered Hazard’s yard. Hazard retaliated by mixing crushed glass into the dog’s food, causing fatal internal bleeding.

Following this incident, Wilson obtained a driver’s permit and drove ninety-six voters, primarily black citizens from poor neighborhoods, to the polls in his family’s two-door Chevrolet. As patrons left the car, Wilson told each of them that he didn’t want to influence their vote, but that the incumbent Hazard had purposely killed his dog. After Hazard was defeated by a margin of 16 votes, Wilson went to his house to tell him he shouldn’t poison any more dogs. Wilson cited this as “the day I fell in love with America.”

11. Murderer gets a permanent face tattoo of his victim’s name by the victim’s relative
Anthony Ray Stockelman was rightfully sentenced to prison after abducting, molesting and drowning Katlyn “Katie” Collman, whose body was found in 2005 in a creek about 15 miles from her home in the town of Crothersville. While we may think that prison is really bad, imagine what other prisoners think about child molesters. Child molesters rank near the bottom of the prison hierarchy and are often brutalized by other inmates. Tattoos are against prison regulations, but inmates often fashion crude tattoo instruments with plastic utensils and needles.

Unfortunately for Stockelman, a relative of Katie’s happened to be locked up in the very same prison and made sure that all of the other prisoners knew exactly how to pinpoint her murderer. One night, prison security had to remove Stockelman from the rest of the prison population because they found the words “KATIE’S REVENGE” tattooed on his forehead.

12. A guy buys the house next door to his cheating ex-wife, and erects a giant middle-finger statue
God forbid you never get cheated on by your girlfriend or wife, but what if you did? You’d probably take it pretty badly, and it’d probably be in your best interest to get as far away from her as possible. Well, one guy thought the opposite. He decided to get closer to her, real close. How close? Well, he bought the house right next door to her and her new lover (who she cheated with). Oh, he had a pretty kick-ass reason to do so, too.

Alan Markovitz erected a giant middle-finger statue that is directed straight to the bedroom window of his cheating ex-wife and her new boyfriend. What’s so great is that he even installed a spotlight so that it can be seen both day and night. While you might think it’s directed more to his cheating ex-wife, it’s actually directed to the man she cheated with. “I’m so over her,” Markovitz said. “This is about him. This is about him not being a man.” Well, we bet he’ll have a constant reminder of that fact every time he wakes up and looks out his window.

13. A landlord turns the tables on anti-abortion protestors
Tom Stave is a landlord who declares himself as pro-choice when it comes to the controversial topic of abortion, but he is not as radical as some others. As a landlord, part of the property that he owns happens to be an abortion clinic. There are always protesters outside the office park where the clinic is located, quietly praying or holding vigil, with signs, rosaries, statues of Mary and posters of mangled fetuses. “Totally appropriate. It’s their right,” Stave says. “They are protected by the First Amendment. And outside the clinic is probably the most appropriate place for them to express their views.” But after the same protesters began to harass Stave’s daughter at her school and began hurling threats at him and his family; calling at odd hours every single night, Tom decided to fight fire with fire.

He began to take down the names and phone numbers of people who made unwanted calls. And he gave the information to his friends and asked them to call these folks back. In a very calm, very respectful voice, they said that the Stave family thanks you for your prayers,” he said. “They cannot terminate the lease, and they do not want to. They support women’s rights.” Stave founded a group, Voice of Choice . And now there are about 3,000 volunteers ready to make calm, reasoned calls to the homes of people who bombard doctors, landlords and their families with protests at homes or schools across the country. Kill ’em with kindness. The best revenge.

14. A family forecloses a bank for trying to foreclose them
Foreclosures suck. Most people should definitely know when a foreclosure is coming. They haven’t paid rent in months, and notices have been flying through the mail for weeks. Well, for one family, they got no such notice. You see, this family was told that their home was being foreclosed, despite the fact that the family’s house in question had been paid for in full in cash. But that didn’t stop Bank of America from taking this family to court and attempt to get the home foreclosed anyways. Naturally, their ridiculous claim was thrown right the hell out. In fact, Bank of America was ordered to pay the Nyergeses $2,534 to cover the legal fees that went into making sure their home wasn’t literally stolen from them.

Unfortunately, Bank of America decided that this was one payment that they wouldn’t make. That is obviously a poor decision, because this isn’t some payment that can be ignored; no, this was a court-mandated payment. After contacting their lawyer to handle all of the legalities involved, the family found themselves standing at a local Bank of America branch, watching as movers and sheriff’s deputies removed everything. According to the court, the family now owned all of it, right down to the money in the tellers’ drawers. After an hour of being locked out of his bank, the manager handed the Nyergeses their check.

This might be the first time in history that a bank was actually the one being foreclosed instead of doing the foreclosing.

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Juicy: 15 Of The Craziest, Most Hilarious Revenge Tales Ever
15 Of The Craziest, Most Hilarious Revenge Tales Ever
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