Parents, especially new parents, are always on the lookout for new ways and products to make their kids silent, happy and sleep well during the night. Anything that can simplify their life is something they will usually buy – if only to get them that extra hour of sleep. However, if you’re a parent and went on to buy one of the following ten products, chances are you went a little too far. There’s a thin line between useful and crazy. Here’s the ten craziest inventions people actually buy for their kids.
The Two-Front-Teeth Pacifier
The Two-Front-Teeth Pacifier
Why not make your baby look like part vampire part swine with this hilarious pacifier!
iPad Potty
iPad Potty
What a great way to make your kids technology-dependent before they can speak or walk.
The Peekaru Baby Snuggle
The Peekaru Baby Snuggle
Because why wouldn’t you want to catch your baby in a tight grip and disable him or her from moving.
Baby Toupee
Baby Toupee
Make your baby the next Donald Trump! 10 years later and they will hate you.
The Snotsucker
The Snotsucker
For the small price of $19.99 you get to suck the snot out of your kid’s nose! What. A. Bargain.
Baby Butt Fan
Baby Butt Fan
The diaper rash prevention fan is not only debatable but also highly unsanitary.
The Daddle
The Daddle
Daddy saddle: The Daddle! Make your dad carry you around, it’s not like he’s got better things to do anyway.
Baby Lasso
Who wouldn’t want their baby to hang upside down?
The Windi
The Windi
Plugging your baby up not only sounds incredibly uncomfortable, but it also can’t be good for your baby’s health.
Our question here is – can babies really be annoyed? We thought they can only cry because they’re either sleepy, wet or hungry.