5. Spitting on Someone

Regardless of where in the world you are, spitting on someone is universally an uncool insult meant to incite the quickest, angriest reaction out of the person spit on, possible. There is no context of coolness for this: it’s just gross. The more mucous, the worse it is.
4. Pulling Down Undies and Pants at the Urinal

Come on, now. We’re not 5 years old anymore. If you’re in a public place, it doesn’t matter how trashed you are. There is no excuse for baring all to urinate at a urinal. If you’re really that bad off, take it into a stall. Nakedness in a stall is still weird, just not as weird as in front of a urinal.
3. Propose at a funeral.

Just as bad as proposing at a wedding, proposing at a funeral is terribly uncool. People are crying and everyone is down: proposing during a funeral is as weird for everyone else as it is for the person you’re proposing to – unless you’re both goths who hate your family. Then proposing at a funeral may actually be right up your alley.
2. Pulling Someone’s Earbuds Out

Many people find peace of mind in music. The hustle and noise of a typical day is well broken up by melodious sounds and rhythms. A totally uncool move is yanking someone’s earbuds out as a surprise. Not only does it irritate the inner ear when done violently, it also jerks someone out of a state of peaceful serenity into a very hostile confrontation.
1. Standing Someone Up on a Date

Everyone knows and fears the feeling of abject rejection of the opposite sex. For many, this fear rules their social interactions with the opposite sex: fear of rejection can lead to introverted and shy personalities. Among the worst things someone can do to destroy your soul and feed your fear of rejection, is standing you up. Being left alone on a date, without any word hurts feelings.