Babies are weird creatures. They have no control over their bowl movements, they can’t walk or speak or properly communicate with the world and they are basically just a tiny catastrophe waiting to happen. Sure, they are very cute and annoyingly adorable to care for, but they are also very different from fully grown humans in many ways. Here are 5 things you didn’t know babies could do, and if you know any other awesome things they can do, let us know!
5. Hearing All The Sound Frequencies At The Same Time
5. Hearing All The Sound Frequencies At The Same Time

Scientists recently discovered that the babies’ hearing differentiates from adult humans a great deal. Apparently babies actually hear all the frequencies of sound at the same time. Essentially, babies’ hearing is more developed than in adults, but it also makes them that much less able to orient and focus on the human voices around them.
4. Distinguishing Faces, Even Of Other Species
4. Distinguishing Faces, Even Of Other Species

It is a common misconception that babies can’t recognize different faces when in fact, babies are actually better than some adults at it. They can even identify the different faces of other species such as monkeys, birds and bears.
3. Judging Character
3. Judging Character

Babies have proven time and time again to recognize danger, but they are also exceedingly good at judging one’s character. When faced with people who are either going to help the others or abandon them, 15 out of 16 babies chose the person helping the other.
2. Fairness
2. Fairness

Adults’ sense of fairness is something that can get easily influenced, crooked or just completely thrown away. However, babies are very interested in being as fair as possible. According to research, babies from year old on are able to see the difference between a fair situation and an unfair one.
1. Babies Can Be Racist
1. Babies Can Be Racist

We’re thought that racism comes after years of being conditioned to dislike another race. However, humans are actually born with the tendency to prefer their own race as opposed to others. Babies are way more likely to go play with a baby that’s their own race than the one that’s not.