Most people who want an entertainment service simply book a trip to go mountain climbing, head to the arcade, or perhaps even spend some time snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. Sometimes, however, people want to take their interests to the next level, and there are places you can go in order to get some great services for your cash. If you want strange, out of the box, and extreme, then you can order a service to enjoy your time. Here are some of the most outrageous activities you can do.
7. Attend Your Own Funeral
7. Attend Your Own Funeral

For just 3,000 dollars, you can arrange for your entire funeral while you are still alive. The entire payment enables you to enjoy the sad music, dark decor, and even your own burial in the ground. Mourners will be present, too.
6. Spend A Night In The Morgue
6. Spend A Night In The Morgue

Most people don’t want to spend their time in a morgue, but you can actually pay around 2,000 dollars to spend an entire night in the morgue following your faked death and subsequent burial. You even get a body bag and ID tag.
5. Russian Fighter Pilot Experience
5. Russian Fighter Pilot Experience

For the low, low price of just $16,000, you too can be a pilot in a Russian Mig 29 Fulcrum Aircraft, which can bring you to impressive heights of 72,000 feet, which is near space. The fighter aircraft can even reach Mach 2.
4. Night Dive with Manta Rays
4. Night Dive with Manta Rays

If you would rather conquer your fears of the ocean and massive fish, you can dive during the middle of the night with 20-foot Manta Rays, which are known as Devilfish. They are massive creatures that feed on other sea animals.
3. Extreme Ironing
3. Extreme Ironing

People throughout New Zealand have formed their own organization based around extreme ironing, which has even become something of a sport. You can scale the side of a mountain and bring your ironing board along with you.
2. Sahara Desert Marathon
2. Sahara Desert Marathon

Some extreme people actually spend around $4,000 to run an impressive distance of around 250 kilometers across the Sahara Desert, which is one of the hottest places in the world. Temperatures can raise above 135 Fahrenheit.
1. Antarctic Ocean Kayaking
1. Antarctic Ocean Kayaking

For just $16,000, you can rent a kayak and spend some time in the frozen waters in Antarctica. The temperature gets to an impressive and frightening negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Shifting ice and freezing passages are open to your boat.