Canines, or domestic dogs, are some of the greatest pets in the entire world. There are so many different kinds that people keep as pets nowadays within their homes, but some breeds are far more rare than others. This has led to a very high, very pricey demand for certain breeds of domesticated canines. So, what makes a dog so rare? Well, it can come down to highly selective breeding, geographic location, and any other manner of reasoning set down by a dog breeder. Here are ten of the 6 rarest dog breeds in the world.
6. Catalburun
6. Catalburun

The Catalburun is a breed of Turkish Pointer, and can be identified by their split-nose, which is a known characteristic. Severe inbreeding is said to be the reasoning behind the odd-looking nose. These canines are known for their hunting prowess, though.
5. Mudi
5. Mudi

The Mudi is a Hungarian breed of canine known for its herding superiority. They are distinguishable by soft, curly coats of fur and smooth faces. The Mudi also tend to be a mid-sized breed of dog, and have recently been getting more popular.
4. Thai Ridgeback
4. Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback is a very unique breed of dog, but also one that has been introduced into the United States, raising awareness of the breed. The Asian dog has a wrinkled face, and can be identified by the hair growing alone its spine.
3. Azawakh

The Azawakh is quite the odd-looking canine, and is native to Africa. There are only 100-200 dogs said to be alive within the United States, however. The hound can be recognized by their similar appearance to the greyhound.
2. Otterhounds
2. Otterhounds

Otterhounds, while owning a very odd name, are actually quite gorgeous animals. They were once known for their hunting abilities, and would hunt in packs to take down otter, which is where the name came from. After otter hunting was banned, though, these hounds became domesticated dogs.
1. Chinook
1. Chinook

The Chinook is probably one of the best looking rare breeds to be introduced to the world. They are descended from a single sled dog, who was named Chinook. The breed, sadly, went into rapid decline in the 60s.