Sand sculpting is a hobby people don’t hear about every day, but did you know there are numerous sand sculpting contests held each year in the U.S. and the rest of the world? There are! Skilled sand-sculptors are amazing for the detail, discipline and creativity they bring to their work, and many of them could give the historical sculptors like Donatello and Michelangelo a run for their money. Sand-sculpting is certainly an art form, and as you check out the following pictures, you’ll be amazed with the variety and creativity these sculptors bring to their work.
6. Water-Front Property
6. Water-Front Property

Whoever built this must have wanted a beachfront property, right by the yacht harbor. Such sandcastles should be featured as nearby attractions.
5. Sea Monster
5. Sea Monster

This giant octopus looks as if it came straight from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Hopefully it didn’t scare the nearby kids too much – or adults, for that matter.
4. Cheshire Cat
4. Cheshire Cat

That old Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland is up to his old tricks again. Hopefully he won’t vanish too soon like in the story.
3. Sleep Time
3. Sleep Time

This couple went to bed and suddenly woke up as a sand sculpture. The book the man is reading must not be too good. At least they look comfy, and it must be nice to be able to sleep on the beach.
2. Golem And His Ring
2. Golem And His Ring

Golem is still trying to get his ring back. Unfortunately, the sculptor put it just out of reach, so Golem will be frustrated for some time to come.
1. Go Green
1. Go Green

The sculptor of this one is obviously a fan of going green. He or she went ahead and parked their Smart car directly on the beach. The dog in the window is an awesome touch.