Anyone suffering from arachnophobia should probably look away right now, as this article is filled to the brim with tiny spiders that crawl around. Spiders, despite being rather terrifying, are actually fascinating and diverse. There are so many different species, and they are some of the most efficient predators in the world. They adapt to their habitat perfectly. Some are scary, sure, but others are just odd and make you stop and scratch your head for a moment. These 5 are exactly that type.
5. Bird Dung Crab Spider
5. Bird Dung Crab Spider
The Bird Dung Crab Spider is known for having one of the most impressive and effective forms of camouflage of any animal in the world. The body of the spider is covered in warts, which makes it appear similar to that of a piece of bird dung.
4. Scorpion-Tailed Spider
4. Scorpion-Tailed Spider
The Scorpion-Tailed Spider received its name due to the female’s elongated abdomen, which appears to look like a scorpion. The spider arches its tail when threatened, just like a scorpion might. The male appears similar to a regular spider, and is usually smaller than the females.
3. Assassin Spider
3. Assassin Spider
The Assassin Spider is too surreal for some people. These bizarre creatures have long necks designed to support their massive jaws, and they feed exclusively on other spiders. Their bite is harmless to humans, thankfully.
2. Spiny Orb Weaver
2. Spiny Orb Weaver
The Spiny Orb Weaver is a species of horned spider found throughout the world. They are completely harmless, but their appearance shocks many. They are notable for their silk “flags” added to the sides of their webs.
1. Myrmarachne Plataleoides
1. Myrmarachne Plataleoides
The Myrmarachne Plataleoides is capable of disguising itself to confuse predators. The jumping spider mimics the appearance and behavior of the weaver ant. They are also noted for having a painful bite, as they create two different chemicals in their bodies that are administered with each chomp.