
5 Notorious Celebrities Who Are Against Vaccines

The anti-vaccine, or anti-vaxer movement has been gaining a ton of steam over the last few years, thanks in large part to misinformation and outright lies. It’s a safe assumption that if there weren’t some famous people who were pushing their own agendas, it wouldn’t be as popular as it is. Sadly, there are more than a few famous people who have been claiming they have the real story when it comes to vaccines and the rather nasty side effects that can come from giving them to your kids. The problem is that most of the claims that vaccines are causing all kinds of problems are not supported by any kind of facts. Instead, these celebs are both feeding off of and feeding into the hysteria that can be spread by Internet rumors. Check out our list of 5 of the most shockingly notorious celebs who are anti-vaxxers and tell us what you think about this group.

5. Kirstie Alley
Kirstie Alley was among a number of celebs against California’s passage of a vaccination bill. While she claimed she was really just for the parent’s right to choose, she also tweeted out that not all vaccines are safe and parents should be able to choose after reading up.

4. Jenna Elfman
Jenna Elfman is best known for playing the rather flaky and new age Darma in Darma & Greg. It appears the actress has some of that character engrained in her day to day life as well. Like many others on this list, Elfman campaigned against California’s new vaccination law, claiming it was infringing on a parent’s right to choose.

3. Alicia Silverstone
Alicia Silverstone is someone who has taken a less than traditional approach to parenting, so it actually shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that she’s against vaccinations. Silverstone has refused to vaccinate her children, claiming that living right and eating healthy is safer than giving her kids shots. “There is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phones calls from parents claiming their child was ‘never the same’ after receiving a vaccine,” she once wrote in her autobiography.

2. Jenny McCarthy
Jenny McCarthy has long been considered the leader of the anti-vaccine movement. The actress has repeatedly referred to studies long since proven wrong, or false, but when challenged on her anti-vaccination beliefs, she stands strong.

1. Charlie Sheen
If you had to choose a celebrity who would be against vaccinations, Charlie Sheen is likely one actor lots of people would land on. Sheen actually said he would not agree to any medical treatments his ex, Denise Richards, got for their children, because she had vaccinated them.

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Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises: 5 Notorious Celebrities Who Are Against Vaccines
5 Notorious Celebrities Who Are Against Vaccines
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