Although people assume that weight loss fads are something of a recent invention, with the explosion of mass media that shows celebrities and models with perfect bodies, the truth is that humans have constantly battled obesity throughout history. While most nutritionists and health professionals would recommend exercise and a rounded diet to lose weight, many have sought out faster and more dramatic methods to ensure that they can get thinner, regardless of how bizarre or strange that they are.
5. Eating Just Baby Food
5. Eating Just Baby Food
All parents will be familiar with baby food and will probably even have tried to eat some while feeding their children, but it is something else altogether to actually choose to go on a diet exclusively made up of the stuff. Some people have done exactly that though, giving up more traditional food in exchange for the baby food, which is high in vitamins and other nutrients. However, experts have warned that it doesn’t contain everything needed for an adult body to function properly and is only a short term fix.
4. Smoking
4. Smoking
Many people who give up smoking often find they put on weight. This is because smoking suppresses the appetite and when people give up the habit they suddenly find that they enjoy food much more. For this reason, some reason that taking up smoking could help them lose weight by helping to put them off eating as much food as they normally would.
3. Wrapping Up In Cling Film
3. Wrapping Up In Cling Film
Wrapping up in cling film, or plastic wrap, to lose weight is something that many people have tried in an attempt to slim at an incredibly quick rate. It essentially involves a person covering themselves in the material so that they sweat excessively in the hope that this will reduce the water content in the human body and therefore lead to quick weight loss.
2. Breathing
2. Breathing
It might sound strange that people could try to lose weight simply by breathing but that is exactly what the long breath diet aims to do. It was invented after Japanese businessman Ryosuke Miki noticed that he had lost a significant number of pounds after working through some breathing exercises to help solve a back problem. He then developed a method of daily exercises to burn calories and improve core strength.
1. Eating Soap Bricks
1. Eating Soap Bricks
While most people use Aoqili seaweed soaps to wash and help keep their skin smooth and moisturized, there are some who use it for a very different purpose. That is the case with those using it as a supposed diet aid, mistakenly believing that the detoxifying effects of the soap will help combat fat inside the body.