The world of social media is an entity of its own. There is so much life buzzing online, it is hard to believe that people have lives outside their digital avatars. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram offer unique avenues for people to display their various skills and personalities and this generation has taken to it like fish to water. Instagram is a lively visual medium that offers an added dimension compared to other social media platforms. This list includes 5 of the best Instagram accounts that you need to follow.
5. FatJew
5. FatJew

This Instagram account belongs to Josh Ostrovsky, and people widely regard him to be the funniest person on Instagram. He has over 5 million followers so far and he can be caught engaging in some truly hilarious behavior on a regular basis.
4. Mydaywithleo
4. Mydaywithleo

‘Mydaywithleo’ is the Instagram account of Joel Strong. He likes to take pictures of regular folk and merge surreal elements in order to make them look like celebrities. He used to exclusive do this with Leonardo DiCaprio, but he has now expanded his celebrity usage.
3. Kanyedoingthings
3. Kanyedoingthings

Kanye West has become so famous at this point, that he actually has a fan-made Instagram account that posts various pictures of the artist doing regular stuff. The page attempts to humanize this egotistical being and make him seem like regular folk.
2. Craptaxidermy
2. Craptaxidermy

Taxidermy is a weird form on its own, but this Instagram only chooses to focus on its worst elements. On ‘Craptaxidermy’, you will see hundreds of really bad versions of taxidermy from around the world.
1. Mothmeister
1. Mothmeister

This Instagram account is the stuff nightmares are made of. The page is run by a couple who likes to create truly grotesque, absurd and hellish visuals in order to bank on the shock-and-awe value we all love so much.