We are definitely the most desensitized breed of human being to have ever existed. The levels of violence and hatred is now higher than ever before, and a single death barely manages to even make the newspapers. This is why journalists, especially photojournalists are so important in the context of the scenario. They can provide a point of view that not many of us get to experience, allowing us to sink deeper into any given catastrophe. Here is a list of 6 amazing pictures taken by photojournalists from around the world that managed to actually shake things up for a change.
6. After The Storm
6. After The Storm

Haiti was a truly great tragedy, one that managed to shake up innumerable lives. This picture was taken by Miami Herald photographer Patrick Farrell and it manages to perfectly capture the severity of the situation.
5. Kosovo Refugees
5. Kosovo Refugees

The refugee crisis in the world has risen to new levels but it has always been around. When Carol Guzy captured this amazing picture of Kosovo refugees transporting children across barb-wired borders in 2000, she became the first woman to win a Pulitzer prize.
4. After The Tsunami
4. After The Tsunami

A massive tsunami hit India in 2004 and literally wiped thousands of people off the face of the planet. This devastating natural disaster was the largest of its kind in Indian history and the people were clearly unprepared for a calamity of that scale and magnitude. Arko Datta’s picture captures the plight and sheer helplessness of the people in the face of mother nature’s fury.
3. World Trade Center
3. World Trade Center

No adult alive in 2001 will ever forget the events of 9/11. The event has forever changed the course of human history and this picture taken by Steve Ludlum manages to capture the sheer devastation of the calamity.
2. Tragedy Of Omayra
2. Tragedy Of Omayra

This is one of the most haunting pictures ever captured on film. Frank Fournier took this picture of Omayra Sanchez when she was trapped in a collapsed building in Colombia. A volcano eruption caused a massive mudslide in the region and claimed the lives of 25,000 people. Officials were unable to save people like Omayra who died shorty after the photo was taken due to hypothermia and gangrene.
1. The Power Of One
1. The Power Of One

This picture was captured by an Israeli photographer who worked for the Associated Press. In 2006, Israeli authorities order an immediate evacuation of all illegal outposts, resulting in massive clashes between the settlers and police officers. This image captures the desperation of the settlers as they attempt to fend off hostile policemen.