Being a daredevil is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. They make their living by carrying out huge stunts that both excite and amaze vast crowds. This causes many of them to be considered heroes, while others think that they are people who clearly had no regard for their own safety. Whatever the case, they are able to captivate viewers through their immense acts of courage and can cause more drama than even the best television show or movie, though not all are quite as crazy as the ones featured on this list.
5. Alain Robert
5. Alain Robert

Often known as the French Spiderman, Alain Robert has become famous for his treacherous climbs up the side of skyscrapers and towers. Starting his career as a rock climber, he moved into the more urban setting and has since wowed crowds by reaching the top of several scarily tall structures with just his climbing shoes and a bag of chalk.
4. Robbie Knievel
4. Robbie Knievel

It was always going to be difficult for Robbie Knievel to live up to the reputation of his father. However, he has certainly made a name for himself in the daredevil and stuntman community, having performed a number of crazy and risky stunts. He has managed to set more than 20 individual world records and even replicated a number of Evel’s own magnificent stunts.
3. Philippe Petit
3. Philippe Petit

Philippe Petit captured the attention of millions when he made a tightrope walk across the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. The feat, which saw him walk across a rope with just a balancing pole while standing 400 meters up from the ground, was an instant hit and marked him down in history. He even managed to avoid any criminal charges for his unauthorized stunt in exchange for agreeing to take part in some work with children in Central Park.
2. Larry Walters
2. Larry Walters

Although Larry Walters is not a professional daredevil, he did capture headlines in 1982 when he tried to create his own homemade flying vehicle. This involved trying to float into the air using a lawn chair and a collection of helium-filled weather balloons. Unfortunately, he went a bit too high into the air, climbing to a staggering 15,000 feet. Once he landed he was arrested for breaking Federal Aviation Agency laws and for causing damage to several power lines.
1. Felix Baumgartner
1. Felix Baumgartner

Felix Baumgartner is perhaps the most famous daredevil who is currently alive, having attracted the attention of people all around the world when he jumped from space. As part of the Red Bull Stratos project, the Austrian broke the speed of sound and broke Joseph Kittinger’s record of performing the highest ever free fall in addition to his various base jumps off buildings such as the Petronas Towers and the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil.