It’s happened to you at some point. You’re driving along the highway with your best friend, belting out the lyrics to your favorite song when your friend gives you the WTF-did-you-just-say face. Then you start back-peddling as you rack your brain trying to figure out the correct lyrics, but to no avail. Soon, you’re both in hysterics and never again will you and your friend hear the song the same way. Here are some of the most hilarious misunderstood song lyrics of all time and maybe one will make you want to pick up the phone and call your best friend!
5. Madonna ‘Like a Virgin’
5. Madonna ‘Like a Virgin’

It only makes sense that one of the most misunderstood pop stars of all time would have some misunderstood song lyrics. Many thought that when Madonna was crooning her controversial lyrics “like a virgin, touched for the very first time,” she was singing “like a virgin, touched for the thirty-first time.” Leave it to Madonna to maximize her controversy!
4. One Republic ‘Too Late to Apologize’
4. One Republic ‘Too Late to Apologize’

Maybe someone was attempting the In-N-Out Burger drive-through after hours when they heard One Republic belt out “it’s too late to order fries.” The actual lyric is the name of the song, “it’s too late to apologize.”
3. Elvis Presley ‘Hound Dog’
3. Elvis Presley ‘Hound Dog’

One of the most famous Elvis songs of all time, Hound Dog also has one of the most misunderstood lyrics of all time too. “You ain’t never caught a rabbit and you ain’t no friend of mine” is often heard as “you ain’t never pornographic and you ain’t no friend of mine.” Good thing, either way.
2. Starship ‘We Built This City’
2. Starship ‘We Built This City’

Although the original lyrics are “We built this city on rock an’ roll,” the mistaken ones are so much more fun to sing! It’s often heard, “We built this city on sausage rolls” (yum!), or “We built this city on logs and coal” which is probably more truthful than the original.
1. Abba ‘Dancing Queen’
1. Abba ‘Dancing Queen’

It could be one of the most famous Studio54-era songs. However, the second line of the chorus, “See that girl, watch that scene, digging the dancing queen” is often misunderstood to be the hilarious “See that girl, watch her scream, kicking the dancing queen.”