The Chinese economy has grown to the size of an inflated ego. America is so heavily in debt now that a collapse in the economic structure of the world has become nearly inevitable. The most amount of money in circulation in the world today belongs to America either directly or indirectly, which means a global collapse is due any time soon. The only economy that seems to be safe at this point is China and Chinese billionaires can soon expect to become the richest people in the world. They seem to have extremely unique and particular tastes, and this list highlights some of the ways Chinese billionaires like to spend their money:
5. Insane Wedding Day
5. Insane Wedding Day

Xing Libin, the chairman of Shanxi coal mining company spent an extravagant amount of money to ensure that his daughter has the best wedding day possible. The wedding cost Xing 11 million dollars that include three private jets to chauffeur guests, accommodation in hotels like Marriot, Ritz and Hilton, and a dowry of six Ferraris.
4. Dogs With Lion’s Blood
4. Dogs With Lion’s Blood

A property developer in China purchased a Tibetan Mastiff that is supposed to possess extremely rare and top-of-the-line pedigree. This dogs weigh nearly 200 pounds and was purchased for a whopping 2 million dollars. The Tibetan Mastiff is quickly becoming the new status symbol for the wealthy in China. The pup alone is supposed to cost 1.5 million dollars.
3. Most Expensive Hotel In The World
3. Most Expensive Hotel In The World

The Chineses’ love for prime property clearly knows no bounds. The most expensive hotel in the world – the Waldorf Astoria in New York, was recently purchased by a Chinese businessman for 2 billion dollars. The deposit for this transaction alone was 100 million dollars.
2. Custom Piano Crystallized With Gold
2. Custom Piano Crystallized With Gold

The affluent in China seem to prefer art and artistic things. This is why the most expensive Steinway grand piano can be found in a Chinese home. This particular piano was built over four years and cost 1.2 million pounds. This is because it used 40 layers of various types of wood and crystallized with gold.
1. Golden Apple Watches For Each Paw
1. Golden Apple Watches For Each Paw

Buying electronics for your pet can be considered an eccentric move, but this seems to be the developing trend in China. Wang Sicong, the 27-year-old son of one of the richest people in China purchased two golden apple watches for his husky Keke. Each of these watches cost Wang 20,000 dollars.