The birth of all religions can be credited to the sun. Many thousand years ago, we humans knew very little about science and nature, but we knew one thing for sure, that all life exists because of the sun. This is why the early astronomers considered the sun a god and it truly is a version of one considering how awesome and powerful it really is. Our survival is not only closely related to the sun, but it is also directly dependent on it. Here is a list of 5 amazing facts that you need to know about the sun.
5. The Sun Is Our Solar System
5. The Sun Is Our Solar System
There would be no solar system without the sun. If our sun did not exist, we would probably be afloat in the milky way, and none of us would exist either.
4. Strong Magnetic Field
4. Strong Magnetic Field
The magnetic field of the sun is extremely strong, and ours pales in comparison. The solar flares on the sun’s surface occur because the magnetic fields are suddenly released into the atmosphere, causing mini-magnetic storms.
3. Closest Star
3. Closest Star
The Sun is a star, but what makes it special is that it is the closest star to Earth. There are plenty of other stars in our galaxy, and if we were closer to any one of them, we would be circling it instead.
2. Sun’s Composition
2. Sun’s Composition
Our entire solar system was formed by a huge swirling cloud of gas called a nebula. Out of the total content of the gases, 99.8% of it went into making the sun. The other 0.2% created the planets, meteors and asteroids in our solar system. Nearly two thirds of the sun is made up of hydrogen, while helium accounts for 24%. The other one percent is made up of oxygen, carbon, iron, neon and other heavy elements.
1. Largest And Hottest Object
1. Largest And Hottest Object
The reason the sun is the center of this solar system is because it is the largest and hottest object around. It also has the highest amount of gravitational pull, which means none of the planets and asteroids can escape the power of the sun. The Sun’s core temperature is around 13,600,000 degrees Celsius while its surface temperature is 5,500 degree Celsius.