You have to love the ever-changing nature of modern art. The form shows no signs of slowing down as more and more artists begin to explore new areas in the field. The amalgam of two art forms can be quite beautiful as well. One kind of amalgam is the art created using body art and contortion. This can be striking, as the lines between reality and fantasy begin to merge seamlessly. Here is a list of 7 beautiful pieces created using body art and contortion.
7. Full Lips
This piece was made by artist Guido Daniele from Soverato. He uses model and body art to create various pieces that are used primarily for advertising.
5. Merged Into The Background
5. Merged Into The Background
Craig Tracy is an artist from New Orleans who is famous for his body painting work. He spends hours creating the perfect colors and textures in order to create a unique and complex optical illusion.
5. Eyes Wide Open
5. Eyes Wide Open
This interesting piece was created by Andy Golub. He used four women and an aerial view to create an extremely psychedelic piece.
4. Pink Flamingo
4. Pink Flamingo
This amazing piece was created by artist Gesine Marwedel. The model strikes a unique pose which the artist uses to construct the shape and form of pink flamingo.
3. Green Elephant
3. Green Elephant
This piece used multiple people and amazing contortions to create a piece that looks like a green elephant. The shape and texture of this piece is truly amazing.
2. Sports Bike
2. Sports Bike
This amazing illusion was created by artist Trina Merry, who used multiple naked athletes as the structure for the bike. The model riding in the bike is sitting in the perfect postion to compete the illusion.
1. Watching You
1. Watching You
This rather unique piece was also created by artist Andy Golub. He purposely used full-bodied people to create a unique canvas, and then painted quite a psychedelic piece over it.