We all have those lazy days; when we don’t want to take out the trash, or we’re just too tired to do the dishes. Don’t feel bad, it happens to everyone – most people can’t even get out of bed on Monday mornings. Yes, most of us have a little trace of the ‘lazy’ gene in us. Of course some people seem to be on a totally different level of lazy. Let’s take a look at 6 of the laziest people in the world.
6. Brushing Teeth

Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth for a least 2 minutes, but apparently that’s 2-minutes too long for this guy.
5. Snack Time
5. Snack Time

Wow, this guy can’t even make the effort to raise his hands and put a simple snack into his mouth. Yikes!
4. Garbage Pile
4. Garbage Pile

Why walk the extra mile to the garbage bin outside, when you can just pile them all the way up to the ceiling in your kitchen.
3. Box Chair
3. Box Chair

Hey dude, there’s an actual chair inside that box that you’re sitting on!
2. Apple Sticker
2. Apple Sticker

To be fair, sometimes those stickers can be quite hard to peel off.
1. Long Straw
1. Long Straw

Two questions: where did she buy that straw, and does it come in different colors?