We are not the only intelligent life on our planet. Nearly every animal out there is extremely instinctive and fully aware of their surroundings, whether it is an animal in the jungle or those that reside near cities and towns. The interaction between humans and animals is extremely special and can lead to some truly great moments. Sometimes, however, animals can get a bit too sneaky and curious, and they can try and invade our space for various reasons. Here are 6 funny pictures taken while animals try to steal our stuff.
6. Monkey Madness
6. Monkey Madness

A tribe of monkeys can be one of the most notorious things in the world. They have no boundaries and will go to any extent to get what they want.
5. Seagull Swooping
5. Seagull Swooping

Seagulls are known to be attracted to food. This one didn’t care about the crowd around or the fact that the ice-cream floating around was attached to a person’s hand.
4. Gecko Life
4. Gecko Life

This gecko isn’t a savage animal. It knows that you need to peel the cover off before you can get to the cupcake.
3. Duckling Distraction
3. Duckling Distraction

How smart is this duck? It sent in its kids as a distraction so that it can fish around in the lady’s bag.
2. You Snooze You Lose
2. You Snooze You Lose

Sneaking up on sleepy camper has got to be the easiest thing in the world. Just look at how easily this deer is munching on the goodies in the cooler.
1. Drop Your Purse
1. Drop Your Purse

Isn’t it annoying when you leave your purse unattended for just a second, and a furry creature tries to steal your Snickers bar?