
5 Ridiculously Expensive Apps That You Can Actually Buy

Smartphones have become a huge part of everyday life. The last ten years has seen an explosion in their use and they now dominate the lives of millions of people around the world, providing a huge variety of services largely thanks to the wide range of apps that are available to download. Many of these applications are free and help us to carry out all kinds of tasks but some take after the smartphones themselves by being incredibly expensive. While some people might be willing to pay a few dollars for an essential app, the ones features in this article are stupidly priced and usually do something that hundreds of free apps can also replicate.

5. White Diamond
The White Diamond app, which is available exclusively on the Google Play Store, is essentially just a way to show off how much money you have. The Android app does nothing other than display a white diamond on screen and tell the world that you have been able to pay out $140 for a pointless piece of software.

4. GunBros
Like many other games on the App Store and Google Play Store, GunBros has no initial cost. Players can download the game for free and then choose to buy certain upgrades and or pay to unlock certain features. The most expensive of these is the Apathy Bear, which is one of the best items in the game and can wipe out enemies incredibly quickly. Unfortunately, it costs a staggering $600.

3. Beehive GIMO
Beehive GIMO is definitely a specialist app, as it caters entirely to the gaming and casino industry. According to the descriptions, the $999.99 application provides business intelligence and professional analysis of all aspects of the industry, including information on the traffic sources to particular sites and the player groups involved in playing online casino games and poker.

2. QSFFStats
QSFFStats is a $999.99 app that is available for the iPhone and iPad that will keep track of your flag football stats. Anyone playing a game of flag football can use it to keep score, enter statistics and keep track of which play you are currently on.

1. iVIP Black
Describing itself as the iPhone’s only premium lifestyle app, iVIP Black costs a staggering $1,199.99. The app essentially acts as a concierge service, allowing those who have downloaded it to get exclusive rates and offers to booking air travel or vacations, while all providing champagne when you arrive at certain destinations. Unfortunately, even after buying the app you will have to prove you have a high net worth before gaining access to any of the features.

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Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises: 5 Ridiculously Expensive Apps That You Can Actually Buy
5 Ridiculously Expensive Apps That You Can Actually Buy
Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises
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