Sometimes the only way to fight back is not with fists, but with words in the form of legal representation. When all else fails, file a lawsuit and wait in line. Judges must be prepared for the best, the worst and the weirdest every day they don the cape and apply the wig. These are ten of the most wacky and out there lawsuits ever devised. From humor to despair, disbelief to understanding, these emotions are all here in the article about the weirdest cases put forth by sometimes even weirder people. At least the judges will never run out of entertainment or something to talk about at the next family barbecue.
5. Over A Wave
5. Over A Wave

When one surfer tried to steal his wave when he was in a better position to ride it, a California man decided to take his opponent to court. Apparently there was no way to put a dollar value on the “pain and suffering” over the loss of a once in a lifetime wave, so it was thrown out.
4. Cable Car
4. Cable Car

In 1964, a woman by the name of Gloria Sykes went on to bed over 50 men in a week. This promiscuous lady had her lawyers successfully argue that being in a cable car accident resulting in a black eye and some bruises resulted in her bizarre behavior. The Bay Area court decided that $50,000 was punishment enough for the “demonic sex urges” that the cable car gave her.
3. Budweiser
3. Budweiser

Richard Overton attempted to sue the alcoholic beverage company for $10,000 on the basis of false advertising. Apparently when he drank, beautiful skimpily dressed women did not appear from nowhere and throw themselves at him. As well as the lack of women, he also said that the lack of a tropical setting seen in some of their ads at the time was also found to be missing when getting hammered. Richard claimed these ads caused emotional distress and injury, as well as financial loss.

Sued for disturbing the balance of the universe, this case would have cost NASA $300 million. When Marina Bai, a Russian astrologer witnessed the Deep Impact space probe slam into the Tempel 1 asteroid in 2005, he was horrified to the point of sustaining massive moral sufferings. Fortunately a physicist was able to tell Marina that the probe barely did anything to the asteroid and balance was restored.
1. Witchcraft
1. Witchcraft

In 2008, according to Jerry Rose, some of the giant successful corporations have partaken in some witchcraft, and that’s why they’re so successful. Having accused Microsoft and Wal-Mart – to name a few – of witchcraft and testing “invasive brain computer interface technology, research, experiments, field studies and surgery” on the poor man, he decided that a grand total of $2 billion would be sufficient restitution. Apparently this case even went to trial as the judge deemed all this was possible, albeit unlikely.