
5 Of The Most Outrageous Lawsuits Ever Filed

Ah the joys of living in a democratic society! Thanks to judicial freedom we can pretty much utilize the courts whenever we feel that our rights have been violated. Unfortunately many in an attempt to make millions have come up with creative or oftentimes even ridiculous lawsuits that really have no place in a court of law. While some people genuinely feel that that they have been wronged and deserve their day in court, others are really just taking advantage of the judicial system in an attempt to make a quick buck, or gain some attention. Here are some of the most outrageous lawsuits ever filed, not surprisingly many of them have been thrown out due to their utter ridiculously, while others have been dropped due to lack of proper evidence. Some of these lawsuits have even backfired and have led to imprisonment for those who believe the judicial system is something to be played with!

5. New York Man Sues For 2 Undecillion Dollars
After being bitten by a dog on bus, then having his photo taken without permission during his treatment, Anton Purisima filed a lawsuit in a Manhattan federal court for 2 undecillion dollars. He wants to sue the dog owner, NYC transit, Au Bon Pain store, two local hospitals and Kmart. In case your wondering, 2 undecillion dollars is more money than even exist on the planet; that’s a 2 follows by thirty-six zeros.

4. Jack Ass Sues Jackass
The popular TV show which aired for several seasons on MTV was actually sued by a man with the same name. The man who legally changed his name to Jack Ass in 2007 wanted $10 million from the company for ‘defamation of character’. Not surprisingly Mr. Ass lost his case in court.

3. Woman Sues Shopping Centre Over Squirrel
In 2004, Marcy Meckler was leaving a shopping center in Illinois when she was attacked by a squirrel. She later filed a lawsuit against the center for £50,000 claiming that the shopping center encouraged the squirrel and failed to warn customers that squirrels lived outside the shopping center.

2. Dog Killer Sues Victim
While serving a 3 year sentence for killing Sarah McBurnett’s dog in a road rage incident, Andrew Burnett filed a lawsuit against Sarah McBurnett and the San Jose Mercury news for causing him post-traumatic stress disorder and mental anguish. The case was thrown out!

1. Haunted House Sued For Being Too Frightening
In 2000, Cleanthi Peters claimed that Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights haunted house was too scary and that she suffered mental anguish, emotional distress and extreme fear due to visiting. She decided to sue the company for $15,000.

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Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises: 5 Of The Most Outrageous Lawsuits Ever Filed
5 Of The Most Outrageous Lawsuits Ever Filed
Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises
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