Most records are effortless such as the longest legs, oldest people or shortest person. However, some records need more determination, preparation and talent to pull off. Occasionally it even needs some level of bizarreness and oddity to be able to put oneself in the World Records Book. There are some people in the world who are capable of doing impossible things with their body. Here is a list of some of the incredible and amazing feats performed by people.
5. Chris Hickman

Back in 2008, Chris Hickman, a Florida firefighter, received the world’s attention when he lifted a Chevy Trailblazer off of its trapped person with his hands and saved the day.
4. John Evans
4. John Evans

John Evans, a professional head balancer, can balance a 159-kilogram car on his head for 33 seconds without using his hands.
3. Cleveland Sullivan
3. Cleveland Sullivan

Cleveland Sullivan, also called the ‘human lightning conductor’, was able to survive seven lightning strikes between 1942 and 1977.
2. Pierre Gasnier
2. Pierre Gasnier

Pierre Gasnier was usually called the French Hercules because of his ability to break an iron chain tied over his chest through expanding his rib cage, rip a deck of cards in half at once and raise a dumbbell twice his body weight.
1. Craig DeMartino, Pete Davis And Jarem Frye
1. Craig DeMartino, Pete Davis And Jarem Frye

Back in 2012, Jarem Frye, Pete Davis and Craig DeMartino finished the first all-disabled ascent of Yosemite’s El Capitan.