Studies show that people today are more stressed out than ever. No matter what your life and work situation is, it can be terribly difficult to balance everything. From managing your social life, to keeping up with school or work, to maintaining a healthy diet and fitness plan, life can be extremely overwhelming.
For many people, just making it from day to day is the main goal, and their full potential is not reached. It is so easy to feel completely drained at the end of the day, and have no desire to do anything other than sleep. Just making a few simple lifestyle changes can drastically improve your mood, lessen your stress, help you get organized, and boost your energy a ton!
10. Work Out In The Afternoon
Oftentimes, the urge to take a snooze rolls around in the middle of the day. Instead of hitting the sack, hit the gym! Studies suggest that working out in the middle of the day actually increases productivity.
9. Take A Power Nap
Or, take a quick midday power nap instead. Studies show the best amount of sleep for this nap is between 10 to 20 minutes. This will ensure that you get through your day without throwing off your night’s sleep.
8. Eat Some Chocolate
Chocolate does contain caffeine, but that’s not the only reason it’s recommended as a snack. There are actually flavonoids found in cocoa that have been proven to boost cognitive skills and improve overall mood.
7. Have A Cup Of Coffee
Obviously don’t overload on caffeine, but drinking one cup of coffee can really boost your energy and help you get through your long day. Try making it a latte – the added milk is a source of calcium and extra energy.
6. Take A Walk
On your lunch break, maybe take a quick 20 minute stroll outside the office. Fresh air improves your mood and increases your energy.
5. Don’t Skip Meals (Or Snacks)
Bodies start to shut down if they don’t receive the nutrition that they need. Healthy meals and snack improve your cognitive function.
4. Eat Your Carbs
People continue to hate on carbs, but complex carbohydrate (like whole grains) are the one of the best things to eat to fuel your body. The glucose that carbs provide serve as brain food, with a recent study showing that a meal comprising of complex carbs makes subjects feel more energized. Studies have also found that individuals who consume a low-carb diet tend to be moodier.
3. Laugh
Laughter is called “the best medicine” and it is a proven stress-buster, but studies suggest that laughing can also increase energy levels too.
2. Stretch
Stand up and stretch it out. If this isn’t enough, maybe take a yoga class. Studies have shown that yoga is linked to fighting depression and anxiety.
1. Chew Some Gum
One study has shown that chewing gum can increase alertness, so instead of nodding off during an endless meeting, eat a small piece of candy or pop a piece of gum.