Early this week, an older woman managed to land herself in the
hospital after she mistakenly applied builder’s foam to the entirety of
her head instead of her favorite hair mousse. Apparently, the two cans
looked nearly identical, though we’re unsure as to why she had builder’s
foam in her bathroom in the first place.
The woman, who has
remained anonymous, found herself in the A&E ward in her local
hospital somewhere in Eastern Europe after making the dreadful hair care
accident. A picture of the woman managed to make its way online, and
the woman looks incredibly upset, and rightly so, too.
While there
aren’t that many details on the story so far, the validity of it is
questionable, as there appear to be twigs and leaves within the foam. It
is unclear whether she is going to lose her entire head of hair,
however we’re certain this is the type of mistake she won’t make a
second time.