Although it’s fairly normal to find a bug in or around fruits and
vegetables occasionally, it never stops being disgusting. Stephanie
Daniel picked up a bunch of grapes when she did her grocery shopping –
fairly normal. She didn’t even think anything of it when she saw a
spider in her refrigerator. But, when she went in to work her night
shift, she took some of the grapes with her as a snack. She saw a spider
shell in one of the grapes that she was eating, and actually began to
She has now decided that she’ll never eat grapes again,
which is a decision that most people would make after an experience like
this one. She said this in a statement: “I was at work at the time.
I accidentally touched this sac with my finger and this disgusting
spider shell-type thing popped out. I actually had to dash to the loo to
throw up and I had the rest of a night shift to get through. It wasn’t
great. When I showed it to my colleagues they were as gobsmacked and
disgusted as I was and told me to put it in a specimen jar and take it
back to the store where I’d bought the grapes to show them.“
she did just that, the grocery store that she had purchased the grapes
from said there was nothing they could do except let her pick out a
different bunch of grapes. Daniel declined the not-so-generous offer.