The Avengers: Age of Ultron comes out this week and I could not be more excited about it! The sequel would be great even if it is half as good as the first one; the trailers look quite promising so fingers are crossed!
Going to movies like the Avengers should not be an average occasion. Most theaters are already booked for the first night showing so consider yourself (somewhat) lucky; I know I am totally stoked for it!
A couple years back when The Dark Knight Rises came out (I know I’m mixing my DC and Marvel but I’m a fan of both), I felt lame that I didn’t do anything special for it – conveniently all my friends dressed up as either Batman, Bane, or one of his henchmen; I guess I went as a typical bystander – lame, I know. This time, however, things will be different. On my weekends trip to find something Avenger-ish, I came across Hot Topic and their line of dresses that honestly, are quite awesome. I picked out the Thor Sailor Dress!
You can check out other products they have in the line through the video below and see if this is something for you!