Two schools in Edina, Minnesota, have recently decided it would be in
their best interest to hire recess consultants. These individuals’ jobs
will be solely focused around the new pilot program to worry about the
politics and stress of the local playground on the school’s grounds.
parents are welcoming the new firm, Playworks, which believes recess
should be more beneficial and inclusive to all children attending the
elementary schools. Instead of calling, “You’re out!,” people will begin saying “good job” and “nice try” to each other to promote development and good-natured sportsmanship.
however, feel differently about this. Some of the kids attending the
children’s schools claim these recess consultants are ruining their play
time by structuring it far too much. School officials have already
spent over $30,000 on this new program, though, so there is no sign of
them backing out quite yet.