Every animal in the world is capable of possessing and displaying a deep and varied emotional range. This is why it is possible to befriend and understand every creature on our planet. In nature, animals tend to show amazing maturity when faced with unique circumstances, allowing us to better understand their emotional states. It is nothing short of miraculous when natural predators befriend the very animals that are supposed to serve as their next meal. Animals prove to us time and time again that hunting only equates to survival in their world and they can be extremely gentle when not pursuing that instinctive action. Here is a list of 7 animal friendships that are absolutely mind-boggling and are sure to surprise you.
7. Chihuahua And Chicken

Roo, a disabled Chihuahua was receiving treatment at Duluth Animal hospital one day when Penny, an orphaned Silkie Chicken was brought to the same ward. The two animals instantly became best friends and have spent all their time together since.
6. Puppy And Monkey
6. Puppy And Monkey

This monkey was purchased by a trader in Bangladesh, but apparently as soon as the monkey looked at the trader’s dog, it went straight towards it and began petting it for hours. Is the dog the monkey’s pet now?
5. Mouse And Frog
5. Mouse And Frog

This unusual friendship was spotted in India, where a Frog was seen helping a mouse cross a steady stream of water. This must have been a short term friendship but it is remarkable nonetheless.
4. White Tiger Cubs And A Chimpanzee
4. White Tiger Cubs And A Chimpanzee

Two white tiger cubs found an unusual substitute for their mother after being separated in a flood in the form of Anjana the Chimpanzee. Anajana looked after the cubs until they grew up to near full-sized white tigers.
3. Giraffe And Ostrich
3. Giraffe And Ostrich

This highly unorthodox friendship was forged at Busch Garden in Florida, where Bia the Giraffe and Wilma the Ostrich have grown to become the closest of friends.
2. Baby Macau And Pigeon
2. Baby Macau And Pigeon

This baby Macau was found in Neilingding, China, after being abandoned by its mother. It was very close to dying before it was taken to a nearby hospital. This is where the monkey famously became friends with a pigeon which helped cure the monkey’s depression and saved its life.
1. Cheetah And Dog
1. Cheetah And Dog

Kasi the Cheetah and Mtani the dog grew up with each other at Busch Gardens and are the best examples of canines and felines transcending the rivalry amongst their species.