Craig Thomas, 54, and Randy Straker, 51, were about to bring their fishing trip to an end on Great Slave Lake, Canada, when the pair caught the weird looking pike. The fluorescent green fish weighed 14lbs and measured 40ins (one metre) long.
Craig and Randy have worked their way around the Great Slave Lake for the last five years, and had just begun exploring in that area. The duo were finishing up their day when Straker landed the fluorescent green fish. Pike, also called as jackfish, are common in Great Slave Lake; however, when the catch passed by the boat, Thomas and Straker realized something was different.

Straker said that he was wearing polarized lenses, and he thought perhaps that was leading to some different coloration in the fish. He was about to pull his glasses off to take another look and then his friend made a comment about how unusual the pike looked. As the fisherman reeled the fish in, he could see down its throat and observed it was quite fluorescent green. The duo released the green fish back into the water, and their discovery has sent scientists looking for answers.