Men's Health

In the most recent issue of Men's Health Oliver Broudy says some pretty negative stuff about Justin Bieber, calling him "offensive."
Child Star

Oliver Broudy criticizes Justin Bieber for never having to deal with real life, like public transportation, finding a job or getting ignored at a bar.

Oliver Broudy goes on to say that since everything has been handed to Bieber he expects manhood to be handed to him too. Bieber says he doesn't have a stylist because he wants to "take initiative". There's the problem right there.
Child Star

Broudy compares Bieber to a skunk stuck in a bear trap, saying that it's a mess you can't look away from.
Reckless Behavior

A year ago Bieber was in jail for his antics. Broudy softens up and says that there is something relatable about Bieber. Justin Bieber wants to be like normal people, and normal people want to be like him.
Public Spotlight

Bieber has had to do basically everything in the public eye, including his on and off relationship with Selena Gomez, which ended (again) in October. Bieber is trying to learn from his mistakes.

Bieber says that although he loves the fame he has achieved, there are times he wishes he could disappear from the spotlight. His fortune is estimated at $200 million.

Bieber recently did a spoof of his Calvin Klein ads with comedian Jeffrey Ross. Bieber is promoting his upcoming Comedy Central Roast.
Comedy Central

The Roast of Justin Bieber air on Comedy Central Monday, March 30th.
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