Teenagers don’t realize the enormity of some of the seemingly small
things that they do. For instance, creating and distributing indecent
images, especially of or to a minor, is taken very seriously.
14-year-old boy used the application Snapchat to take a picture of his
naked body and send it to a female classmate. The girl took a screenshot
of the naked picture, and proceeded to circulate it around the school.
The boy, no doubt was humiliated, but to make matters even worse, the
police got involved.
A police officer working at the boy’s school
got ahold of the image, and decided that it was a crime, and should be
recorded as so. Both the boy and the female classmate are being charged,
and will probably be penalized for the rest of their lives for their
The debate that is going on now is whether or not these charges are justified. The mother of the boy said that he was “at best naive,” and that he was “just being a teenager.“