Dogs are known as man’s best friend. They make us laugh, they make us cry, they make us clean up after them, but it’s little wonder why we love our canine friends. That got us thinking, thanks to the wonders of the modern age there must be some pretty darn funny photos of dogs floating around the internet. What we found not only had us rolling on the floor like a dog, but made us love these little guys even more. Have you ever seen a dog dressed up as “Hannibal Lecter”? Or perhaps one that has snow balled up on their fur due to running through banks of the white fluffy stuff? That’s just the tip of the ice berg, so without further ado, here are 11 Of The Funniest Dog Photos Of All Time.
Flying Dogs

Now we’ve seen everything! Points for originality to this dog’s owner because it definitely made us laugh!
Perfect Timing

We have to assume that this dog’s owner had to take a lot of versions of this photo in order to get it right. Kudos!
Tongue Tied

This dog clearly tuckered himself out trying to eat this hollow bone, poor little guy!
Bring A Smile To The World

If this doesn’t make you smile, we’re not sure what will.
Halloween Has Gone Too Far

This is pretty darn funny, but we can’t help but think that this owner is taking Halloween a bit too far.
Help, A Spider!

That’s the biggest spider we’ve ever seen! We’re gonna need a pretty big tissue to take care of that guy
Hannibal Lecter Dog

This funny dog must have been entered in some kind of costume contest, because they were clearly channeling Hannibal Lecter, a character in the film “Silence of the Lambs” which are also in the background. Points for originality!
Hulk Dog

We wonder how small this guy was before he transformed.
Best Friends

From the looks of things, this is a pretty regular occurrence for these hilarious household pets.
Bad To The Bone

This hilarious dog is obviously bad to the bone, well, at least their owner is?
How Did This Get Done?

We’re actually having a hard time figuring out where exactly they put the dog on the man to get this photo taken. Oh well, it’s pretty darn funny!