
Foods That are Suprisingly Banned in the US

The Scottish dish was banned because of its key ingredient, sheep's lungs. The FDA doesn't want us eating those. It also contains a sheep's heart and liver, and is cooked in a sheep's stomach, BUT those are all apparently cool for us to eat.

It's been banned in the U.S. forever, but the absinthe that's legal in the U.S. contains a small amount of wormwood. And absinthe without the wormwood isn't really absinthe. . . It doesn't make you hallucinate!

Pig's Blood Cake
What a name, right?! The Taiwanese delicacy is a mix of pig's blood and rice on a stick. The reason behind the ban is the FDA believes pig's blood cake is unsanitary.

Sassafras Oil
It's used to flavor root beer, but was banned because it was found to cause cancer in lab rats, BUT who really thinks of "sassafras" as an oil?

Kinder Eggs
The German candy egg has a milk chocolate shell and a white chocolate layer below. In it's hollow center there's a little toy, which could potentially cause a "choking hazard". Therefore, the Consumer Product Safety Commission says they're not safe for kids.

The Orignal Four Loko
The FDA banned the drink because the mix of alcohol and caffeine is dangerous. BUT how about: Red Bull vodkas, whiskey-Cokes, rum and cokes, Jagerbombs, Irish coffees, SuperDews, 5 Hour Everclear, and ALL the other ways we mix alcohol and caffeine?

The champagne-flavored soft drink, made by Dr. Pepper in the '60s, didn't sell well and the company changed it's formula to what we know today as Dr. Pepper soda. Apparently additionally its original chemical sweetener, sodium cyclamate was banned.

Authentic Italian Meats
We can eat salami, prosciutto and head-cheese, BUT it has to be slaughtered and produced in the U.S.A., AND your family in the "old country" can't export any to you.

Horse & Human Meat
A few years ago, it became illegal to slaughter horses for food in the U.S. But did you know, there are actually factories here which slaughter horses for their meat? Since we don't eat it, it's now exported. As for human meat. . . That's a no brainer!

Vegemite contains folate, which is a food additive that the FDA doesn't approve. So there's no official ban, but it's questionable enough that its makers in Australia won't import it to the U.S.

Fugu, known as the Japanese puffer fish, is incredibly poisonous if not prepared correctly, therefore the U.S. avoids the selling of the exotic cuisine all together.

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Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises: Foods That are Suprisingly Banned in the US
Foods That are Suprisingly Banned in the US
Juicy | Offbeat, Fun, and Surprises
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