Father-Son Bonding Time

As far as childhood photos go, this one's pretty darn adorable. Whoever decided this was the photo to recreate got it right. The way the son curves his hands over his dad's arm is just icing on the cake. Hilarious.
Beach Time
Beach Time

The best family vacations are at the beach. So are the best childhood photos. Not only did the boy get some serious air, but also managed to recreate his shadow. How awesome is that?
Diapered Baby Lying on a Rug
Diapered Baby Lying on a Rug

This infant takes a break from crawling by resting his belly on a plush throw rug. This hilarious photo gets recreated as an adult, though it looks like he's substituted shorts for diapers
Recreating Childhood Expressions
Recreating Childhood Expressions

Here's one person whose facial features hasn't changed a bit. Now that's an expression you don't see every day.
Adorable Laughing Baby
Adorable Laughing Baby

Now that's one happy baby. This guy tries his best to recreate the photo, but just doesn't capture the glee of the original. But mad props for finding a beanie that looks similar.
Ride Em Cowboy
Ride Em Cowboy

One little boy looks distinctly uncomfortable as he takes a ride on a mechanical pony. As an adult, he manages to look just as stiff.
Dressed Up Baby
Dressed Up Baby

A lot of parents take advantage of babies' gender-neutral faces to dress them up in adorable outfits. One quirky man recreates his childhood photo by wearing a white dress replica.
Kid with a Shirt over His Head
Kid with a Shirt over His Head

Many childhood photos show babies wearing their clothes in nonconventional ways. Recreating this photo as an adult just looks awkward.
Mom and Her Sons
Mom and Her Sons

Mom and her three sons pose for a family picture. What makes this recreated picture hilarious is that the baby grew up to be way bigger than Mom is.
Beach Time
Beach Time

This childhood photo is pure gold. But the recreated photo is way better. Both the expressions and the fact that all you can see of these kids are their faces.
Superman Brothers
Superman Brothers

Happy Halloween! These brothers don their cape once more to recreate a childhood Halloween. They look super excited in both pics . . .
Family Portrait Time
Family Portrait Time

These three kids don't look too happy to sit for a family portrait. As adults, they don't look too thrilled either. What we want to know is how the girl in the middle managed to find a replica of her childhood outfit.
Four Sisters at a Statue
Four Sisters at a Statue

This one takes a bit more dedication to recreate since the four sisters have to go to the statue this was taken at. Props for recreating the outfits!
Kid Sitting in a Pot
Kid Sitting in a Pot

A child sitting in a crock pot is adorable. An adult in a crock pot just looks way too uncomfortable.
Napping on Mom's Lap
Napping on Mom's Lap

Some childhood photos just don't translate as well when they're recreated as an adult. This is one of them.