[post_ads]When considering making a tattoo, most people don’t really think
about the consequences. Believing it is something awesome and cool,
people go into tattoo studios and ink their bodies up, without really
considering how these images or texts might look in just a few years
time. Becoming an elderly or a grandparent isn’t something people really
think about, but the truth is they should definitely do so, especially
when choosing a tattoo. We are not sure whether or not these individuals
considered this, but the following 10 extremely clever tattoos are
definitely ones they would not be regretting at any point of their
lives. Thus, without further adieu, here are 10 extremely clever tattoos
that are actually worth it!
The Pinky Promise

A pinky promise should always be kept. This little tattoo is so inspiring and clever that it is definitely worth it!
The Big Toe Went to Market

This clever sign turns that rather obscure disability of a missing toe into a true piece of art. Awesome!
The Wheel of Life

With an amazing design, this tattoo represents the fact that we all know deep down. What comes around, does come back around!
The Clever Scar Tattoo

Covering up the scar, this tattoo is extremely creative. Definitely the better option, comapred to plastic surgery!
The Jumping Fellow

While a hand tattoo is extremely painful, this little trampoline
fellow can give you hours and hours of happiness. It is definitely worth
Life is Music Tattoo

If you love wearing earphones than this clever tattoo is definitely
perfect for you! It not only shows that you love music, but it is a
further statement that life truly is music!
Dark Motivation

Even though these two tattoos are quite dark in their motivational humor, their clever ideas are certainly extremely awesome!
Mind Over Matter

Extremely simple, but full with deep meaning, this mind over matter
tattoo is simply amazing! A definite recommendation for everyone who
loves new age philosophy ideas!
Popeye’s Fist

You might not be as strong as Popeye, but no one is stopping you from
putting on this amazing tattoo that shows your true strength!
Speak Up Tattoo

If nothing else works out and you just want to express your true emotions all you have to do is put up your finger and speak up!