Hello! My name is Shawnalee Anderton. I am a mother & artist. My daily drawings are a commitment I made almost one year ago. Each drawing has to be close to 2" square and the titles begin with "I am..." Each drawing takes me anywhere between 1-3 hours to complete.
Up until now, I have been inspired to draw either from daily personal experiences, thoughts or news. For October however, I decided to challenge myself further by incorporating a Halloween theme into each drawing.
I am excited about this one year project. As a mother, it has been incredibly rewarding to complete something tangible every day. I think this is probably one thing that other moms can relate to. It has helped me get back in touch with who I am - another thing that can get lost along the way when you have a family. Now I feel like I have the best of both worlds. An amazing, loving family and a developing creative world of my own expression.
"I Am A Hug In A Fur Coat"

"I Am Thinkin' I'll Keep The Hat"

"I Am Ready"

"I Am Experiencing An Unusual Craving"

"I Am A Genius"

By Shawnalee Anderton | boredpanda.com