What is the most famous celebrity body part on this planet right now? we’ll give you a hint — it happens to belong to the most Googled woman in the world right now. That woman is Kim Kardashian — is anyone surprised? This woman has quite literally created an empire from nothing, and boy oh boy does she have the goods to back it up. Kim K is probably the most known for her gigantic rear end, one that may or may not be currently defying gravity. Here are 5 photos of Kim Kardashian’s giant behind out and about, and in and out of clothes.
5. Kim’s Butt As A Table
5. Kim’s Butt As A Table

Wouldn’t you balance a champagne glass on your ass if you could?
4. Kim’s Butt In A Leather Dress
4. Kim’s Butt In A Leather Dress

Once again, Kanye’s appreciation for the booty is real.
3. Kim’s Butt Breaking The Internet
3. Kim’s Butt Breaking The Internet

That one time Kim’s glossy butt broke the internet and the earth imploded.
2. Kim’s Butt At The Beach
2. Kim’s Butt At The Beach

This sandy butt is so gravity-defying it’s actually outrageous.
1. Kim’s Butt Exiting The Pool
1. Kim’s Butt Exiting The Pool

It’s all…we can look at…no matter what we do.