Perhaps there is nothing more disheartening than giving birth to a stillborn baby. Nine months of wonder, hope, and promise are all dashed in a matter of minutes. Amazingly, a few babies who were born dead, or died within the first couple of breaths, somehow found their way to the land of the living. These babies experience the wonder of birth, the tragedy of death, and the miracle of resurrection, all within the first few hours of their life. Read on to find out about 6 miraculous stories of stillborn babies coming back to life
6. Mary Ellen James
6. Mary Ellen James
Mary Ellen James gave birth to a stillborn baby in 1989 after going into labor way too early. She thought her baby would never breathe but the doctors managed to revive it after extensive measures were taken and they performed heart massage for more than an hour. The baby went on to have a normal life.
5. Jacob Tomkin
5. Jacob Tomkin
Laura Tomkin gave birth to a stillborn baby after conceiving through in vitro fertilization. The doctors immediately tried to kick-start the baby’s life, but the baby was non-responsive for half an hour before it started breathing. The surgeon who revived him said that there was a 1 percent chance of the baby surviving.
4. Robin Cyr
4. Robin Cyr
In 2014, Robin Cyr gave birth to her fourth child. There were complications during the delivery and the baby was stillborn. She was pronounced dead after an hour of trying to revive her and then when the doctors gave up she started breathing on her own. The doctor was unsure how or why the baby started breathing, but he said it was a miracle.
3. Ella Claxton
3. Ella Claxton
Rachel Claxton gave birth to a stillborn baby in 2010 when her placenta ruptured. It took doctors several hours to bring the baby back to life. Nine months after her birth, Ella was a normal baby, although she may need physiotherapy in the future.
2. James Engstrom
2. James Engstrom
Bonnie Engstrom gave birth at home in 2010 to a still born baby, blue in face and not moving. The family and the midwife called the ambulance and while they waited they prayed for the baby. The ambulance arrived and took the mother and the baby to the hospital, where the doctors tried to revive it for over an hour before it started breathing. It was considered a miracle.
1. Unnamed Baby Girl, Toronto, 2013
1. Unnamed Baby Girl, Toronto, 2013
In 2013, an 20-year-old woman gave birth to stillborn infant on the sidewalk just a few steps outside the hospital. It was freezing outside, the temperature as low as 5°F. The baby was brought to the hospital where the doctors tried to revive it and failed. It was covered with a sheet and a police officer was placed next to it until a coroner came. Two hours later, the baby started moving. It was discharged a few days later.